Music Utilities

by John Weider

A few utilities that I developed and found useful.

Chord Information for kb Shows info about chords.
Chord Information for bass Shows info about chords.
Chord Information for guitar Shows info about chords.
Alesis Micron Parameter Diagram An overview of the parameters available on the Alesis Micron that may be useful for sound design.
GM Percussion Sequencer A basic General Midi Percussion Sequencer.
Notes Where Used Calculates all of the scales and chords that utilize a given set of notes
Scales on Only White Notes Calculates and lists all scales which can be played using only the white notes and transposition
Scales on only Black Notes Calculates and lists all scales which can be played using only black notes and transposition
Key/Scale Information Calculates various invormation about a key based on Selected Scale and root
Pattern Calculator Calculates all possable patterns given the number of hits and number of steps
Progression Calculator Calculates all possable progressions based on a pre-defined progression map