System Documentation


#@ Class Cart - e-commerce system shopping cart. by john weider, 
#@	var shop_name		- Store Name.
#@	var paypal_business	- Paypal Payment account, for recieving payments.
#@	var address		- Address to send check or mony order payments.
#@	var order_email		- email address to send order notifications to.
#@ 	function add(prdno,qty) - add qty of prdno to cart.
#@ 	function display_tiny() - display a small summary of the cart contents. 
#@ 	function display(style)	- display cart (style is not yet implemented)
#@ 	checkout() - allow customer to purchase contents of cart.
#@ 	tax(amt,state) - overide to calculate tax. (default NY 8%)
#@ 	shipping_charge(weight) - overide to calculate shipping (default weight based)
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