/usr/local/php/Database.php #@ #@ class Recordset #@ #@ #@ function next(optional type) - return the next record in the recordset or false if there are no more records. #@ type can be 'ASSOC','OBJECT','ENUM' which determines the type of object returned. #@ ASSOC = return associative array with field names as keys. #@ OBJECT = return object with field names as properties. #@ ENUM = return an enumerated array without field names, the first field is elemant 0, the second is 1, etc. #@ #@ #@ function read(optional type) - this is an alias for next(type). #@ #@ #@ function readp(optional type) - returns the previous record in the recordset or false if there isn't a previous record. #@ type can be 'ASSOC','OBJECT','ENUM' which determines the type of object returned. #@ ASSOC = return associative array with field names as keys. #@ OBJECT = return object with field names as properties. #@ ENUM = return an enumerated array without field names, the first field is elemant 0, the second is 1, etc. #@ #@ #@ prev prev(optional type) - same as readp(type). #@ #@ #@ function free() - call this to explicitly free rescources associated with this recordset. (not realy necessary) #@ #@ #@ function fieldtypes() - returns an associative array with field names as keys and field types as values. (ie $rs['fieldname']=fieldtype ) #@ #@ #@ function info() - not implemented yet. currently this will always return true. #@ #@ #@ function count() = returns the number of records in the recordset. #@ #@ #@ class Database - database connection. #@ #@ #@ function Database(optional dbname) - Object contructor, returns new instance of Database. #@ if dbname is passed a new connection to that database is returned, #@ otherwise a connection to the users or sites default database is returned. #@ #@ #@ function name() - returns the name of the connected database. #@ #@ #@ function connect() - connect to a different database, returns true if successful, false otherwise. #@ #@ #@ function query(sql) - send query to database and (if applicable) return resulting recordset. #@ #@ #@ function val(sql) - send query to database and return the value of the first field of the first record. #@ #@ #@ function rec(table,optional keyarray) - returns an assosiative array with field names of the passed table as keys. #@ if an assosiative array keyarray is passed the retiurned record will be initialized #@ with the values from the first record in table matching the values passed in keyaray. #@ #@ #@ #@ function write(table,rec) - write record rec to table. #@ #@ #@ function delete(table,optional key) - delete record or records from table. #@ if key is passed matching records are deleted otherwise all records are deleted. #@ #@ #@ function drop(table) - drop the specified table from the database. #@ #@ #@ function update(table,record,optional key) - update table with record. #@ if optional key is passed then only matching records are updated, #@ otherwise all records are updated. #@ #@ #@ function row(sql) - sends query to database and returns the first resultant row. #@ #@ #@ function col(sql) - sends query to database and returns an enumerated array containing the values of the first column of the result. #@ #@ #@ function assoc(sql) - sends query to database and returns an associative array built from the first two columns of the result. #@ ie $rtn['field1value']=field2value #@ #@ #@ function typ(table) - return an associative array of field names => field types of the specified table. #@ #@ #@ function create(table,fields,drop) - create a table. #@ fields is an associative array containint fieldname => fieldtype, #@ if drop is true then the table is droped first if it already exists. #@ |